
[me & a good life] .... very new project of l.o.v.e Lilypie First Birthday tickers


雖然捨不得,但是我真的要搬家了,新家在痞客邦,請大家繼續收看我的亂寫一通 - aka Jass!


[DJ Wedding] 新娘房準備中

等了整整三個月,攝影師的照片和影片終於全都交上來,不過影片檔案頗為巨大,可能要一個禮拜才會上傳完畢,希望大家將就著看看照片吧。因為腦殘 人妻本人我一個月前才發現了照片的隱藏版,真是臉紅心跳不好意思,不過我的懶人病名不虛傳,當然沒辦法再來重新整理線上相簿,新鮮貨就放在這裡。

不過,雖然寫是寫"新娘房準備中",並沒有要出現新娘準備的照片,原因是這樣的。當天經過上午的迎娶、一路從曼谷到Cha-am的Alila,到達Alila的時候,其實新娘我本人的nu bra已經濕透,女孩兒們應該知道nu bra濕透會發生什麼慘案,沙灘彩排的時候我已經是雙手詭異動作,一副狼狽的囔嚷伴娘伴郎動線位置。

因為本人脾氣不是最溫馴,而且當新娘還是要做自己,進入新娘房的時候,我正在努力按耐怒氣,還好當天眼目手快的新郎發現,有比我快大聲地把閒雜人等先請出新娘房,好讓我把已經可以擠出水來的nu bra拆下來。所以,準備的時間我相當狼狽緊張,照片就不要拿出來嚇唬大家了。

那這個,婚戒就是婚戒,買來最漂亮的時候就是這幾張照片了,短短三個月已經被我折磨的體無完膚,(要不是101的VCA服務人員難溝通,)茶店就要送廠拋光去了,而且婚後黃臉人妻我很不修邊幅,戴起來以後完全被我的短手搞得很弱,像我一樣有著滿手星星腸的新娘子記得去作指甲,身高我沒轍,手指我總能加長一點吧! 。

這張雖然不干新娘房什麼事,但是新娘我本人因為當時沒看到,現在非得要看個不停,而且憑憑理是不是真的很有味道,隔了一段距離遙望婚禮場地的布置,搭配連 成一線的碧海藍天,愛翻Alila這個模樣,雖然我和龍先生沒什麼時間閒晃享受,希望賓客們都有幫我們用力的看用力的感受。


Yumi said...

Hi Jass,

It's Yumi.
I come across your blog as I'm going to get married in Alila this Oct too! Wondering if you can provide me the contact info of your photographer, the video guy and make-up artist?

Seems like you are pregnant now! Congrats and wish you all the best!



Jass said...

Hello Yumi,

No problem. My make-up artist is Teeratat Thaipanis (Art), his email is tat143@hotmail.com. Photographer and video team is Vin Buddy. I highly recommend Vin. His phone number is +66 817200994.

Alila is pretty awesome, I am sure you will love it! Keep me updated with your wedding party if that's okay with you. I would love to see more Alila photos. I miss the place :))

Good luck and happy wedding!!

Yumi said...

Thanks Jass!!

Shame that I didn't see your reply until now...and Vin is already booked on my wedding date..sigh..

Couple more question, for the trio band, do you hire the local (hua-hin) band? or from bangkok?
I still have so many things need to be arranged and it's quite difficult to do so from taipei esp when you don't understand thai..haha

I'll keep you update and hope my wedding will be as good as yours!! (fingers crossed!)

Yumi =)