
[me & a good life] .... very new project of l.o.v.e Lilypie First Birthday tickers


雖然捨不得,但是我真的要搬家了,新家在痞客邦,請大家繼續收看我的亂寫一通 - aka Jass!


Endorphins make me happy

Quote from Legally Blonde " Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands."
altho i don't have a hubsband and thus no hubsband i want to kill
i couldn't agree with the quote more
i have this job i hate and won't quit (now) due to own professional ethic
it was killing me every secs while seating in the office and dealing with these govnm people
i had tried everything i could to avoid their extra (and unreasonable) requests
yet after going back into the gym for one week
a few spinning classes helped
i still hate those people and hate my job
but i can deal with my stress better now
feel good to be back on track and enjoying life again
endorphins make me happy.



再也不用趕作業 不用為了考試熬夜
可以不去補習班 不用害怕收到成績單
長大以後 是否真的想妳想得這樣美好
天氣還是晴朗 還是沒有時間欣賞
哭的時候 眼淚少了 為何傷痛多了
笑的時候 只有嘴角上仰 心裡想著這不好笑
遇到的人越來越多 真心朋友越來越少
曾經心疼過妳的過客 越來越看不到
要找到疼妳讓妳的人 勇氣越來越重要
爸爸開始說妳嫁不掉 擔心的是沒人比他對妳更好
媽媽更年期到 我要唱歌跳舞帶她出去逛
外婆買菜燒飯種花 一輩子照顧全家
帶著六個孩子一起長大 她的人生是否美好
外公身分證退休證一直掉 每天五通電話要妳關心他
退休後的茶飯張口生活 他是否感受得到
長大以後的他 還是有沒有他
就算找到人嫁 幸福快樂還是要自己造