
[me & a good life] .... very new project of l.o.v.e Lilypie First Birthday tickers


雖然捨不得,但是我真的要搬家了,新家在痞客邦,請大家繼續收看我的亂寫一通 - aka Jass!


大龍生日 我要買什麼

隨意翻了我姪女的故事書, 迫不及待要和大家分享 -

A Royal Party

Princess Leila wanted to throw a wonderful party for her husband, the Prince. She held a royal meeting to plan the party.

Leila wanted to keep the party a surprise. She sent her husband away on a little trip, so she could get everything ready.

Now that everything was almost done, Leila went to see the royal dressmaker. She asked the dressmaker to make her a beautiful gown.

When the dressmaker was finished, she asked Leila to try on her dress. Princess Leila looked beautiful.

When the Prince came home, he opened the doors to the ballroom. He was very surprised. "This is the best present in the world," he said, hugging Leila. "Thank you."

所以這個公主明明就是假借王子生日之名義, 行置裝之實嘛! 這個故事到底教了小朋友什麼啊? 以後男朋友或老公生日, 我們還都要給自己治裝買禮物是吧, 真是發人醒思的故事, 不過幹的好!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i fully support this idea~