我和爸爸媽媽到LA後沒有兩天, 姊姊的公公婆婆也陸續來看姊姊和他們的小孫女, 還很熱情的請我們吃了兩頓飯。不過, 吃飯的時候卻出現了很令人尷尬的對話:
姊姊的公公: That's one big piece of salmon. You don't have this kind of fish back in China right.
我嘴上回答: Oh I guess not. <- 我好sula,難怪當不成台獨份子!
我心裡的OS: 我又不是中國大陸來的, 怎麼知道大陸人吃不吃鮭魚啊! 不過我們亞洲可是有數不清的料理是你想都想不到的。
姊姊的婆婆: So were you effected by the earthquake?
我嘴上回答: Not really. I live in Taipei and that's far away from where the quake was.
我心理的OS: 你們都討了個台灣媳婦, 到底要不要搞清楚台灣在那裡啊?
姊姊的婆婆﹔So how is the Olympia reparation going? I heard the air quality there is horrible. Is it true?
我嘴上回答﹔Eh, I really wouldn't know. I have never been to Beijing.
我心理的OS﹔該不會電視新聞中的華人城市對你們來說都是同一個吧, 那我是不是應該認識每一個黃皮膚黑頭髮的人啊?
So good......
LOL....why didn't you tell them what and where tw is :P
You should buy them a map along with a big thick history book as thank you gifts for the meals...
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